
As I sit here in my twenty five year old body reflecting on the past five years of my life I can’t help but to laugh at myself. My life from 20 to 25 is like two different universes. The past 5 years have been full of life changing lessons and transitioning experiences that I thought it might be cool to share twenty fives things that at twenty five I would tell my younger self (in no particular order) Here we go … 1. Slow down

Don’t be in such a rush to grow up

2. Carbs are not your bffl

Savor every bite of each bagel and pizza slice that hits your lips because there will come a sad time in life that the phrase “you are what you eat” becomes a reality.

3. Wipe your tears

He isn’t worth it. Remember, a guy should ruin your lipstick not your mascara. If you constantly have tears running down your pretty cheeks, wipe them and move on. I promise you that he isn’t all that he is cracked out to be.

4. Study Abroad

Looking back at my college years, my only (give or take a thing or two) regret in college was not studying abroad. If you have the opportunity to spend a semester over seas, GO!

5. The world is not ending

Sh!t happens, but the world will continue to go around and around, I promise. Getting caught up in every single “ he said she said” dramatic situation is so never worth getting caught up in.

6. Be you

Newsflash; not everyone is going to love you. Bigger newsflash; it’s ok. Don’t pretend to be someone you are not to be loved or to fit in. Be you. Always.

7. Hang your money in your closet

Invest in classic pieces that will never go out of style. The oh so trendy crop top and mini skirts have expirations date.

8. Everyone has a story

Cliché or not, you never know what someone is going through. Ever. Don’t be so quick to judge.

9. Give yourself a break

Figuring life out doesn’t happen over night. Allow yourself the time you need.

10. But, it’s my birthday

Yes we know, it’s your special day. However, there comes a point in life that it is no longer acceptable to celebrate your birthday for an entire month. So, enjoy that fantasy life while it last, princess.

11. I like to, uh …

It’s called a h-o-b-b-y. Get one.

12. Broken heart

Yes, I know what he did was the most gut wrenching thing that anyone has every done to you but guess what? He did you a favor. I swear he did. You may not see it now but you will. Let him go, ok? Holding a grudge is bad for your skin.

13. Go for it

Excuse me while I sound like a Pinterest quote: take chances, a lot of them. Let me repeat myself; take chances, a lot of them.

14. Quality vs Quantity

Choose quality, every single time. I know that having 25 “best friends” by your side seems like the most important thing in life but when you wipe away the fog and see that the quality of those relationships means more than traveling in a pack, thank yourself.

15. Do your squats

No, I’m not joking. Your twenty-five year old body will appreciate you. Now, get to work.

16. Family

Listen to them (your mother is always right)

17. Trust

It is one of the hardest things to gain and one of the easiest things to lose. Find your balance of trusting freely and trusting wisely.

18. Looking for love

Do not do it. Do you hear me? True love will find you, especially when you least expect it. Your heart will smile a little bigger when it happens naturally so put away your magnifying glass and let life take it’s course.

19. Opportunities

Seize them. Take them. Grab them. However you want to phrase it - never let one slip away. If you are given the chance to go shake someone’s hand, do it. You never know where that handshake can lead you.

20. Dreams

Everyone has them. Respect yours and respect others.

21. Story time

Everyone has a story don’t forget to write your own.

22. Finances

Coming from someone who has over drawn her bank account more times then she would like to admit (don’t judge me) the sooner you become financially savvy the better. Nothing in life is free (sorry if I just burst anyone’s bubble) so, pay attention in your finance class, pick up a book at Barnes and Noble or sit down with your father so he can teach you a thing or two. Your savings account will appreciate your effort.

23. The white dress

Your girlfriends will get engaged before you do. No, that does not mean that something is wrong with you. Celebrate their next chapter while you continue to celebrate your own.

24. Change

It all changes. Try to not resist too hard, it will only make the transitions that much more stressful.

25. Don’t sweat the small stuff

Any of it. Petty issues have no business consuming your day. If you need to laugh it off, do so. Just promise me that the guy who cut you off at the green light, the coffee stain on your brand new white top or the number of likes on your Instagram post do not determine if you smile today or not.

→ What advice would you tell your younger self? Leave a comment below! ♥


Memorial Day Weekend //

Memorial Day Weekend //

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The Next Chapter