Fussy Baby: Teething or Something Else?

Fussy Baby: Teething or Something Else?

If you’re doing this parenting thing for the first time, you may be wondering how often babies typically cry. While some crying is to be expected, it’s usually because something is wrong and Baby is uncomfortable in some way. For example, babies often cry when they’re hungry, tired, have a soiled diaper, or are in pain due to gas or illness.

But what if your baby cries more often than you think is normal? Or what if he or she doesn’t full-on cry very much, but is fussy and unhappy much of the day? Well, Baby’s unpleasant attitude may be due to teething. All babies are different when it comes to the timing of teething. Some may not start to teeth until approximately 7 months, while others may cut their first teeth as young as 3 months!

Even though the timing of teething can be difficult to nail down, you can be pretty confident that whenever it happens for your baby, he or she will probably get noticeably fussy. That’s because teething is a painful process that can last for weeks with little reprieve. No wonder it leaves your little one feeling grumpy! If you’re at the end of your rope, try these teething hacks for babies.

How To Deal With Sore Gums

You can usually tell if Baby is teething because he or she will probably experience most of the following:

•     Reduced appetite

•     Disrupted sleep

•     Noticeable swelling of the gums where the teeth are rupturing

•     Drooling

•     Ear-rubbing

•     Increased biting

•     Diarrhea

•     Rubbing toys and food on the gums

•     Mild temperature

•     Rash immediately around the mouth

And, of course, the most obvious sign of teething is increased fussiness. These are all telltale indications that your little one is in a lot of pain from erupting teeth. You may be able to relieve his or her discomfort by applying Wellements teething oil to the gums. Wellements teething oil ingredients are safe and gentle. They don’t include controversial benzocaine or belladonna. Instead, the product is formulated with organic clove bud oil, olive oil, and spearmint leaf oil. Your baby will enjoy the hint of sweetness in this organic product.

You may also want to invest in a teething ring. Teething rings are intentionally made with soft materials that your baby can bite and rub against his or her gums to bring some relief from teething pain.

If your little one is fussy but doesn’t exhibit symptoms of teething, there may be something else wrong. Try the usual remedies, such as changing the diaper, feeding Baby, trying wellness baby products, and rolling up his or her legs to help dispel excess gas. If these things don’t work and your baby is inconsolable for hours at a time, you may want to schedule a consultation with your pediatrician.

Happy Baby, Happy Mommy

Teething is a phase of life no baby can skip (unfortunately). But you and your baby can get through it when you focus on safe and organic teething support products. Your baby may not be able to verbally thank you, but his or her health and happiness are thanks enough!

*this post is sponsored by Wellements however the opinions are of my own.

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