11 face yoga poses to get your own Markle Sparkle

11 face yoga poses to get your own Markle Sparkle

If you’re at all tuned in to the (sometimes crazy) celebrity beauty scene, you might have heard about a new anti-aging practice called “face yoga.” That’s right, a number of A-listers including Jennifer Aniston, Meghan Markle, and Madonna have been touting the benefits of doing yoga on your face. The idea behind face yoga is that it tones specific facial muscles in order to keep the skin on top plump and firm. If this sounds too good to be true, you should know that there have been a number of recent studies on the benefits of facial exercises, and the results are promising.

So, why not give face yoga a try? It’s way healthier than traditional anti-aging procedures like Botox or facelifts, it’s free, and best of all you’ll probably have a good laugh at yourself in the mirror! The key to seeing results from face yoga is consistency, so take a look at the printable daily tracker from Rory along with their guide on face yoga exercises to get started with your practice.



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