15 Things More Important Than The Number Of Likes On Your Instagram

15 Things More Important Than The Number Of Likes On Your Instagram

Here’s a #TBT for you: 

Remember the days where we didn’t place Instagram on a pedestal and posted real time photos with terrible lighting for our 10 followers to see. 

I was in college when IG started becoming a thing and I laugh thinking about how I would quickly slap a sepia filter on a photo and post in the moment to “showcase” a night out at the fraternity house with my girlfriends. 

IG looks a little different these days:

Pencil in a content calendar
Preplan an outfit 
Scout a location 
Use 5 photo editing tools
Analyze the photo
Contemplate the “best” time + day to post 
Draft a caption
Analyzing the photo again
Re-writing the caption
Oh phew, ok now I can post

What a time to be alive.

Don’t get me wrong, I love IG. It’s an incredible platform that has forever changed business, advertising, creative freedom and how we connect with those around the world. I know my life single handedly would be different without the power that the app holds. 

Power. Yup, it’s true. Most of us can admit that there are times where we weigh our self-worth or scale our success according to social media. When you stop to think, really think, about it - that can be a pretty scary thing to place into the hands of an app. As consumers, we can use a slap a reality from time to time and I’m here to give it to you.   

With the flip of the calendar year let’s shy away from the validation game and focus on the big picture. There is so much more to this beautiful life then putting all of our eggs into a basket that lives on our phone. This may feel a little tongue and cheek but I wrote this in all seriousness. Here are 15 more important things to concentrate on / to do rather than worrying about the number of likes on your feed. In effort to spread good energy, leave a comment below on what you would add to the list or share with a friend!

1.    When You Get Home And Your Dog Is Excited To See You

Name a better feeling … I’ll wait. Oh you don’t have a dog? Well then this is your sign to get one. Kidding. Kind of.

2.    Wash Your Sheets

Ok well the act of making your bed can be a total pain in the ass but the feeling of curling up in freshly washed sheets truly beats any number of likes

3.    Facetime Dates

While you’re laying down in your clean sheets, FaceTime those who you don’t see often. I know, I know . . . texting can be “so much easier” but, would it kill you to have a little face to face communication? I promise it will spark a little joy in your day.

4.    Doing What You Love

Seeking validation from others should not be on top of your list so let’s think outside the box here. What is your passion? What have you always wanted to do? Is there a personal goal of yours you’d like to reach? Focus on THAT because that shit matters. 

5.    Concentrate On Your Village

It takes a village is a no joke saying. Let me ask you this: are you happy with your village? Do you feel loved and supported within your village? How can you further connect with those in your village? Spend time building your friendships with those who really matter.

6.    Laughter

File laughter under one of my favorite things. There is nothing better than laughing at / with yourself or with a friend. Soak up those tiny little moments that make nose scrunch and your belly move because there’s truly nothing like it. 

7.    Personal Growth

Excuse me while I drop a bomb here but there is a whole side of growth that does not include the amount of followers you have. I’m talking about the nitty gritty personal growth. Focus on how you can step outside of your comfort zone and tune into pushing yourself to be the best version of yourself. 

8.    Ice Cream

Ice cream is always the answer. And pizza. Ice cream and pizza. That is all. 

9.    Finishing a TV Series

Look at you go ! You put all those hours of grueling hard work and dedication into finishing a season(s) of a show and you did it. Congrats, champ. 

10.  Getting Outside

Here’s an idea, put down your phone and step outside. No amount of Instagram engagement can compare to the natural beauty around you. Do yourself a favor and inhale a big gulp of fresh air and exhale gratitude. Wow, see that right there? That’s called living.

11.  Relishing In A Good Hair Day

Cue I woke up like this. I see you girl and you be looking mighty fine. Have yourself one hell of a good day and flip that hair around with no care.  

12.  Moving Your Body

Ok for real, how amazing is that high after a good sweat sesh? That feeling of powering through and making it to the end of a workout is far better than anything social media can provide. 

You are more than a double tap,

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