

It was 6AM and there I was, sitting at my white wicker desk in booty short underwear and an over sized t-shirt with a pounding heart and nervous energy in my stomach. Will anyone read this? Will they be able to relate? How transparent can I be? Can I write about him? Do my thoughts translate on to paper? *insert 45 more questions here*

Just before my thoughts got the best of me, I hit 'PUBLISH' and right before my eyes The Millennial Miss was born.

Three hundred and sixty five days later, here we are.

I believe that we should always celebrate every tiny victory in life. So today, I celebrate YOU. To everyone who has read, laughed, shared, commented, emailed, and been vulnerable with me...thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I know that this is the only the beginning and I am so thrilled to be on this journey with you.

So let's take a second to raise our coffee mugs (or wine glasses, it's 5 o'clock somewhere right?) and toast to this roller coaster ride that we call our twenties.

Yours truly,


"I think I can. I think I can. I think I can. I know I can." - The Little Engine That Could.

Holiday Gift Guide // District La Brea in LA

Holiday Gift Guide // District La Brea in LA

Let me live.

Let me live.