Dreaming VS. Doing

Dreaming VS. Doing

At some point, society blasted out an idea, that has some of us brainwashed to believe all we have to do is “dream big” and in the blink of an eye our dreams will become a reality without any blood, sweat, or tears.

SPOILER ALERT: goal setting is only half the battle. All the wonderful things on your vision board will not come to life unless you take initiative and execute.  I hate to burst anyone’s bubble but just because you solely envision checking a goal off your list does not mean that you can sit back and twirl your hair. That check mark will not appear unless you take your goals by the horns.

Which brings me to the question…..
Why is moving from dreaming to doing so terrifying?

Think about how many times you have started a sentence with, “I wish….”
“I wish I had sent that email.”
“I wish I was in better shape.”
“I wish I could leave this job.”
“I wish I was a better baker.”

Why didn’t you send the email?
What excuses are you making day in and day out that prevent you from going to the gym?
Why haven’t you taking the leap to explore a new career?
What has stopped you from standing in the kitchen until you perfect a homemade pie?

On the days where the wall between dreaming and doing feels sky high, ask yourself what deeper issue may be brewing your excuses.

Does the pure thought of failing freeze you in your tracks?
Are you worried that if you mess up you will disappoint those around you?
Do you repeatedly fall into the pattern of being “too” tired or “too” busy?

Stepping outside of your comfort zone can be a bone chilling thing to do but that’s what makes it so rewarding. The way I view it is: you can make the leap, have an experience and place the lessons learned in your back pocket or you can sit back and go through life with the what if’s sitting heavy on our shoulders. The choice is yours. If you really want something you will run over your excuses without batting an eyelash. I challenge you to grab a fresh piece of paper and in bold letters write down a short term goal. What’s next? Take the first step. Take it. Right now.

Keep going,

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