How To Stay Sane While Working Remotely

How To Stay Sane While Working Remotely

Hi everyone, Olivia here! I’m so happy to be back. Like most of us, I’ve been working remotely for a while now, and I’ll be the first to admit that it’s been challenging. I am so grateful to be working and to have the opportunity to do so from home, but long days at the computer can get lonely, especially without the reprieve of seeing loved ones once you’re off the clock.  Have you found yourself feeling similarly?  If you’re like me and remote work has been a bit of an adjustment, here are some practices I’ve incorporated into my daily routine that I’ve found to help keep me feeling energized, inspired and enthused. 

Trade Your Slippers for Sneakers

You’re not alone if the excitement of the at-home workout has worn off. If you’re like me and have even struggled to change from your “work” leggings to your “workout” leggings, I have something that might help. A couple months ago I stopped wearing slippers in the morning at my computer, and instead, put on my tennis shoes. This way, when I find myself fatigued throughout the day, I can get right up (when my Zoom schedule + the weather permits) and go for a quick walk outside without the deterrent of “needing to get ready” for a little mid-day exercise.  It helps me know that mentally I’m prepared for a little bit of sunlight and fresh air.  I’ve found that a quick step outside not only helps clear my mind, but also helps to get me thinking creatively. Changing your surroundings for even just a few minutes can do the trick. Give it a try and let me know if you live in your tennis shoes now too! Just grab your favorite pair of socks and sunscreen and hit the pavement!


Never have I ever… muted accounts on social media… until now. Tell me, do you use the mute option on your platforms? If you’re new to this practice too, let me kindly empower you to mute anyone or anything that does not serve you, bring you peace or give you inspiration.  This simple practice has been the biggest game changer when it comes to my daily state of mind.  Instead of spending time getting upset over something I’d see in the midst of scrolling through feeds and stories, I’ve simply unsubscribed from the source. The “mute” function affords you the ability to remain a follower but gives you the power to hide certain content (so he or she behind the account doesn’t receive notice that you’ve unfollowed).  It’s so simple, but by choosing what content I do see, I protect my time and my energy so that I can arrive at my computer for work feeling energized and in control. Give it a try if you feel like your feeds could use a refresh. Let’s prioritize our peace together!

Pick Up the Phone

This goes out to everyone who lets calls go to voicemail before sending an “I’m so sorry I missed your call!” text. You too? Ok, I’m glad I’m not alone here. I’ll admit it, before the pandemic I wasn’t much of a “phone person.” I even made it my New Year’s Resolution in 2020 to call people more (if only I knew then what I know now). Well, with safer-at-home orders in place, I finally had an opportunity to make good on my resolution. And I’m so glad I did. Do you find phone calls a little draining? I know I did. Especially after a long day of Zoom meetings and Google Hangouts. But I found that when I’d pick up the phone to catch up with a friend or share what happened during the day with a family member, I didn’t actually feel heavier, I felt so much lighter. I had underestimated the power of hearing a loved one’s voice or seeing a friend’s face virtually.  If you made the time to pick up the phone this week, who would you love to catch up with?  

Acts of Kindness

If you caught my post around the holidays, you’ve heard me share about acts of kindness before and how when we prioritize kindness, we prioritize people.  I have been the recipient of such kindness from friends, family and strangers and it can change my whole month for the better, so I try to share those good vibes however I can. Sometimes it’s a text to a friend during the day or snail mail to a college floormate letting them know I’m thinking about them.  This kindness invites happiness into my work-space and I find myself smiling throughout the weekly 9-5. What’s better than spreading the love, from right where we sit? 

 I hope that some of these practices can help you as much as they’ve helped me. Have you found something that’s kept you sane while working remotely? I’d love to know. Share in a comment below so I can give it a try. From my work-from-home set-up to yours, I wish you energy and inspiration! Hang in there sister, together we can make it through.


More About Olivia
Olivia Phelps is a content creator, writer and reporter located in Southern California who loves sports, words and being outside. You can watch her online covering the Big West Conference on ESPN3 and stay tuned for the launch of her blog. In the meantime, check her out on Instagram @liviphelps for all things ESPN, women in sports, inspirational quotes and her puppy Tiger (who steals the show). In case you missed her on TMM in the past, check out her post on how to keep your relationship fun during Covid, here.  

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