8 Simple Changes That Will Improve Your Mental Health

8 Simple Changes That Will Improve Your Mental Health

Okay girl, let’s talk about mental health.

From your DM’s I can tell that many of us are feeling a little out of wack and rightfully so. In effort to bring a dose of wellness your way, I’ve complied a list of simple shifts that all of us can make to improve our mental health. I urge you to incorporate these changes into your daily routine - the sooner, the better! Sending a big air hug and smile your way. Message me and let me know what tip was most helpful : ) x

8 Small Changes To Improve Your Mental Health 

Social Media Awareness
Ah, good ole social media. 
You love to hate it and hate to love it! 

I can tell you first hand that spending a few minutes detoxing your social media feed(s) will work wonders for your mental health. If there are accounts that you currently follow that do not make you feel happy, inspired or confident then either unfollow them or hit the mutebutton. Following those who you admire, bring you laughter or value are the accounts you should give your time to. Don’t get suck into the black hole of scrolling accounts that make you feel less than your worth and remember that, for many, social media is a highlight reel so do your best to not compare your life to others. 

For other social media related articles check these out:
How To Quit The Morning Scroll
12 Things To Do Instead Of Cyber Stalking Your Ex
15 Things More Important Then The Number Of Likes On Instagram

Quiet Moments
I know I’m not sharing ground breaking news when I say that mediation has multiple benefits including the power to help clear your mind. Incorporating quiet meditative moments in your daily routine will be a positive shift to re-center your thoughts. Download the app Headspace and tune out the world for five minutes, you’ll be happy you did. 

Clean Your Space
Clean up, clean up, everybody do your share! 
A cluttered space can directly translate into a cluttered mind so make it a point – every day – to ensure that you are surrounding yourself in a tidy space. Whether it be your work area or home sweet home, dedicate time to making sure your space is organized and clean. Making your bed every morning, not letting dirty dishes sit in the sink and cleaning all surfaces are simple doable adjusts to incorporate into your daily routine. 

Language Is Powerful 
The way you speak to yourself matters.
The way you speak to others matters. 
Words are powerful so be cautious in what manner you use them. 

Before you start the day, look at your gorgeous self in the mirror and give yourself a pep talk. Be your own hype girl!! Another suggestion is making minor tweaks to your vocabulary. For instance, instead of saying sorry I’m late simply say thank you for being patient. It’s those small shifts in the way we speak to ourselves and others that affect the way we feel about ourselves and others. 

Forgiveness Is Everything
I’m about to get pretty deep with you so, buckle up. Working on accepting people for who they are will save you from many sleepless nights. Once a light switch goes off in your brain that it’s often your expectations of others instead of their actions that actually disappoint you, well sister say hello to a whole new world.  

Honoring space to give forgiveness will up your mental health. Let go of any negative thoughts or feelings towards others and you’ll be amazing of the weight that was lifted off your shoulders. Hanging on to those bad feelings affects you in more ways than you may even realize! 

Say No And Mean It
Here’s a question for you .  . . how often do you want to say no but somehow, someway the word YES comes out of your mouth instead? 

Mastering the art of saying no is a quality that the sooner you possess it, the sooner you will feel less spread thin. Remember how I talked about the power of language a few bullet points up? Well, apply that here. Whenever you feel stuck in the people pleasing role remind yourself to snap out of it and simply reply with a, “I’d love to but am busy tomorrow night. How about this weekend?” You don’t need to explain whatyou’re busy with. For all I care, you could have a hot date with the couch and a face mask waiting for you. The point is, you are now taking control of your schedule and saying nois a huge chunk of that. Say goodbye to all those times that you said yes to plans that don’t excite you, to the coworker that is constantly asking you to pick up their slack and to doing favors that you simply don’t have time for. Say hello to feeling confident and intentional – two qualities that will make you feel like a new woman! 

30 Minutes 
If there is one thing you have heard me sound like a broken record on, it’s the importance of moving your body – every single day. Carving out a minimum of a 30-minute window in your schedule to sweat will have a beautiful effect on your mental health. Penciling in your workouts as if they were an important business meeting that you would not cancel is a way to motivate yourself into getting it done. Half the battle is showing up so, lace up your shoes and let’s get moving. 

Mindful Eating
An excuse to talk about food? PERFECT. 
You may read the following sentences and think that I’ve lost my mind but girl I’m telling you, little shifts such as mindful eating will add points in your mental health column. Ok so what do I actually mean by mindful eating? Well, instead of scarfing down your meal as if you’re in a contest, take a moment to actually acknowledge the food on your plate. Take in the smell of the dish and thoroughly chew your food. When doing so, you’ll feel more gratitude towards the nourishment you’re receiving instead of focusing on shoving food down your throat so you can rush back to your email inbox. Mindful eating will help to improve your mental health by savoring the average moments of your day and on top of that, it will stop you from overeating. 

Be mindful,

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