5 Things To Do At Night Besides Aimlessly Scrolling On Your Phone

5 Things To Do At Night Besides Aimlessly Scrolling On Your Phone

So, you’ve survived the day - congratulations! What better way to celebrate then laying under the covers aimlessly scrolling through your phone until your eyes close. Right? Wrong.

I’ll be the first to admit that my screen-time has, unfortunately, sky rocketed during this time of #SocialDistancing. Last week I reverted to my pre quarantine habit of no screen time an hour before bed and to no surprise, my mental space instantly felt healthier and I woke up feeling well rested. Whether you have your nights to yourself, share them with a spouse or roommate we call tend to share the common nighttime routine of scroll, scroll and repeat. By all means grant yourself the time to catch up on your social media feed or worldly news after your work day but once you cross the line of scrolling without purpose, be intentional enough to put your phone down - especially before your head hits the pillow.

Here are 5 ideas of things to do at night besides scrolling on your phone:


Playing a board game or working on a puzzle can help you wind down from the day. Research shows that activities such as puzzle solving or coloring (yes, there are adult coloring books and they are amazing) not only help to improve one’s mood but your memory as well. So put your phone down in the other room and spend some time being playful before you call it a night.

Adult Coloring Book: 100 Amazing Patterns
Conversation Starters For Great Relationships
Endless Board Game Options
Puzzles For Adults

Read, Read, Read

If you’ve ever dreamed of a time where you could enjoy the simple pleasure of getting lost in a book, this would be that time! With life running at a slower pace these days there is no reason to not dive into the pages of a book. Contrary to some mindsets, reading does not need to be intimidating or boring ! There are so many helpful reading lists out there to spark your interest and the best part? You can choose anything you want! Whether it be to be a love story, mystery or memoir - the options are endless. I have been reading my way through Reese Witherspoon’s Book Club and have been obsessed with each choice. Tag me on IG with your current read and I’ll share your recommendations in hopes to inspire others to pick up a book and feel the magic of pages in between their fingers.

Write It Out

Say hello to the best therapy one could ask for: pen to paper. Gifting yourself the time and space to write it out is equivalent to adding a drop of magical mental clarity into your life. BUT WAIT CHELS WHAT DO I JOURNAL ABOUT?! The coolest thing about journaling is that there is no “right” or “wrong” way to do so. Without overthinking, let your pen flow and whatever comes out on the other end is your own and that makes it valid. Deciding what to share with a piece of paper is entirely up you to. It can be emotions that you need to release, details of your day, a small memory that you never want to forget or simply acknowleding something / someone that you are grateful for. Journaling is a relaxing way to end the day while positively resetting for the day ahead.

Talk It Out

If writing simply isn’t your medicine why don’t you try talking it out. Instead of sitting next to your partner or roommate on the couch scrolling in silence, make it a point to put your phones down and have a c-o-n-v-e-r-s-a-t-i-o-n. You don’t need to solve all of the worlds problems by the time you go to bed but connecting with each other before heading off to bed is a wonderful way to close out the day. Sharing how your day was, what’s on your mind, a funny story or venting about your boss can bring you too closer together - simply by sharing. In addition, releasing your thoughts can help to reduce stress and lead to a better night’s sleep. If you live alone, pick up the phone to your call your mom or BFF. Be present in those conversations and chat away! Connecting with others is a necessary form of medicine - don’t let your phone rob you of that time.

Listen To A Podcast Or Music

Podcasts and music have a reputation to only be listened to when in the car and while I love a good jam sesh with the windows down, I also listen outside of my car! Robby and I constantly have music playing in the house - regardless the time of the day. If are obsessed with podcast, connect to your speaker and listen while you’re cleaning up your place or folding laundry. If you’re in the mood to listen to your favorite album or indulge in a new release, cozy up under your sheets and let the tunes sooth you to sleep or one or my favorite ways to let the day slip away is to play music while cooking dinner. You’'ll find what works for you but either way, listening is a wonderful alternative to aimlessly scrolling on your phone.

How do you limit your screen time? Share your ideas below :)

Goodbye scrolling,

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